October 3, 2021
Mark 10.2-16
+ Now, I know many people think I am
this Anglo-Catholic priest.
And that’s …well…very true.
I am solidly an Anglican, through
and through.
And proudly so.
But, for any of you who know me
well, you know that I come from a long, long line of Protestants, specifically
Lutheran and I have deep grounding in that tradition.
And, when peeling the onion that is
Fr. Jamie, you will find a pretty solid Protestant core, despite all my joking
One of the Protestant sects that has
always appealed to me (and this might come as a surprise to many of you) is the
Quakers, or the Society of Friends.
You would not think a denomination
that is completely and totally non-sacramental and non-liturgical would hold
any appeal to someone like me, a very Anglo-Catholic Episcopalian who loves
liturgy and the sacraments!
But, as I just said, I have this
vein of Protestantism in my core.
And I really love the simplicity of
In fact, I learned to love Quakerism
through a dear Quaker friend of mine.
Mary Gardner was a very wonderful and accomplished novelist who was a dear,
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Mary Gardner and me a few years ago |
dear friend of mine.
She, for many years, was a Quaker,
though she was also a pretty solid skeptic on most supernatural issues.
Sadly, dear Mary ended up dying of
Covid last Christmas, a loss that I still feel very deeply.
In fact, I thought of Mary many
times during my own bout with Covid last month.
Mary taught me so much about Quakers
and how to live a truly Quaker life.
And through Mary I came to love the
silence and contemplative aspects of Quakerism.
I love their pacifism.
I love the fact that, historically,
they were on the forefront of so much social change in society.
I love how they strive for a truly
experiential and relational connection with God—with the Light within, as they
call it.
And I love how the Quakers embody in
their faith and in their lives a very simple, child-like faith.
It’s this last point that is
especially appealing to me.
And I also personally find it
To me, cultivating such a
relationship with God without the structure of liturgy and the sacraments seems
particularly daunting.
But there are days when I want that
Quaker-like faith.
I want that simplicity.
I want that silence.
I want that child-like relationship
with God.
And it is this child-like
relationship with God that Jesus is commending to us in our Gospel reading for
Our Gospel reading for today is
As people were bringing children to
Jesus, he says,
“Let the little children come to me;
do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.
Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child
will never enter it.”
So, what does Jesus mean when he
talks about the Kingdom of heaven and children?
Well, he is talking quite bluntly, I
He is making it clear that we need
to simplify.
We need to simplify our faith.
We need to clear away all the muck,
all the distractions, all those negative things we have accumulated over the
years regarding our relationship with God.
Now, to be fair, the Church and
Religion in general have piled many of this negative things on us.
And that is unfortunate.
Too often, as believers, we tend to
complicate our faith life and our theology.
We in the Episcopal Church get
caught up in things like Dogma and Canon laws and rules and Rubrics and following
the letter of the law, and getting caught p in committees and sub-committees
and sub-sub-committees. (Episcopalians love to micro-manage)
In the Roman Catholic Church, we
find these strange “cults” of Mary and the saints that really do not promote a
deeper faith, but rather only a shallow, somewhat plastic kind of faith, while getting
too caught up in rigorous views of issues like contraception and abortion and
moral living.
In many Protestant churches, we find that the Bible itself is held up as a
kind of idol, it is held up in such a way that it eclipses the fact that we are
called to live out what we learn scripturally and not just impress one another
with our scriptural prowess and knowledge.
All the churches get so caught up in
doing what we are told is the “right thing,” that we lose sight of this pure
and holy relationship with God.
We forget why we are doing the right
For Jesus, he saw what happened when
people got too caught up in doing the right thing.
The scribes and Pharisees were very
caught up in doing the right thing, in following the letter of the Law.
I actually like talking about these
two groups of people—the scribes and the Pharisees.
They have received a very harsh
judgement in the long arc of history.
But we need to remind ourselves
that, at their core, these were not bad people.
They were actually well-intended
people, trying in their own way to live out the Law, as they were taught.
It was the job of the scribes to
write down and copy the scriptures, a daunting job in those pre-printing press
As a result of copying scripture
again and again, they of course came to see themselves as experts of the
And they were.
The Pharisees saw their job as
interpreting the Law and the scriptures for people.
They tried to make sure that the
letter of the law was followed and that all those complicated rules we find in
the Levitical law were followed to a T.
They did this because they thought
it was what was supposed to be done.
In the course of their trying to do
the right thing, they ended up losing sight of the heart of the Law and
Scriptures and only concentrated on the letter of the Law and scriptures.
But in doing so, they lost sight of
God, which is easy to do when you’re so caught up on the dots and dashes of the
words, and not on what those words actually mean.
They lost sight of the meaning
behind the Law.
Jesus is telling them—and us—that we
need to simplify.
We need to refocus.
We need to become like children in
our faith-life.
Now that isn’t demeaning.
It isn’t sweet and sentimental.
Becoming children means taking a
good, honest look at what we believe.
As followers of Jesus, it does not
have to be complicated.
We just need to remind ourselves
that, if we keep our eyes on Jesus, he will show us God.
Following Jesus means knowing that
God is a loving, accepting and always-present Parent.
God is our “Abba.”
Our job as followers is to connect
with this loving Parent, with “Abba,” to worship and pray to God.
Our job is to be an imitator, like
Jesus, of this loving, all-accepting God in our relationship with others.
When we do that—when we become imitators
of our loving God, when we love as God loves us—the Kingdom of God becomes
present in a very real and profound way.
But the fact is, the Kingdom of God
is not for people who complicate it.
The Kingdom is one of those things
that is very elusive.
If we quantify it and examine it too
closely, it just sort of wiggles away from us.
If we try to define what the Kingdom
is, or try to explain it in any kind of detail, it loses meaning.
It disappears and become
But if we simply do what we are
called to do as followers of Jesus—if we simply follow Jesus, imitate our God
and love one another—the Kingdom becomes real.
It becomes a reality in our very
And whatever separations we imagine
between ourselves and God and one another, simply disappear.
This is what I love about being a
follower of Jesus.
I love the fact that despite all the
dogmas and structures and rules the Church might bring us, following Jesus is
simply that—following Jesus.
It is keeping your eyes on the one we’re
It means doing what he did and
trying to live life like he lived life.
It means worshipping like him a God
of amazing and unlimited love.
Yes, that sounds very simple.
But it can also be very difficult,
especially when we still get caught up in all the rules and complications of
organized religion and the letter of the law of the Bible. .
And we do get caught up in those
Because following Jesus can be so basic,
we find ourselves often frustrated.
We want order.
We want rules.
We want systematic ways of
understanding God and religion.
Simplicity sometimes scares us.
Becoming childlike means depending
on God instead of ourselves.
Becoming childlike means shedding
our independence sometimes, and we don’t like doing that.
Sometimes complication means
And sometimes it simply is easier to
get caught up in busywork, then to actually go out there and follow Jesus and
be imitators of God and love others.
Sometimes it is easier to sit and
debate the fine points of religion, then it is to go out and actually live out
our faith in our lives, and to worship God as our Abba.
But, as Jesus shows us, when we do
such things, when we become cantankerous grown-ups, that’s when the system
starts breaking down.
We when get nitpicky and bitter, we
have lost sight of what it means to be like Jesus.
That’s when we get distracted.
That’s when we get led astray from
following Jesus.
That is when we “grow up” and become
cranky, bitter grown-ups rather than loving, wonder-filled children.
It is good to be wonder-filled
It is good to look around us at the
world and see a place in which God still breaks through to us.
It is good to see that God lives and
works through others.
So, let us be wonder-filled children.
Let us truly be awed and amazed at
what it means to follow Jesus.
Let God be a source of joy in our
And let us love each other simply,
as children love.
Let us love in that wonderfully
child-like way, in which our hearts simply fill up to the brim with love.
Let us burn with that love in a
young and vibrant way.
Being a Christian—following
Jesus—means staying young and child-like always.
Following Jesus is our fountain of
youth, so to speak.
So let us become children for the
sake of the Kingdom.
And when we do, that Kingdom will
flower in us like eternal youth.
Let us pray.
Holy and loving God, you are our
Parent, our Abba, and we are your children. Instill in us a simple faith, a
child-like faith. Open our eyes and hearts to know you as children know their
parent. And let us live our faiths with quiet simplicity and upright dignity,
now and always. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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