April 23, 2023
Luke 24.13-35
+ I’m going to draw your attention to
our stained glass window this morning.
Well, to one in particular.
Let’s look at the window in the back, the
window dedicated to Sts. Benedict and Scholastica.
And more importantly, what that window
will represent.
That window represents something we
have worked hard to do here at St. Stephen’s.
That window represents that very
important—the incredibly VITAL—ministry of hospitality.
RADICAL Hospitality.
And if you want to know what real
ministry is about, then this is IT.
Real ministry, as we have all
discovered, is not about the almighty ME—the individual.
It is about US—all of us, the children
of God.
Radical Hospitality is not easy.
Ministry is not easy.
Sharing our time, our energy, our physical
building, is not easy.
Because being radically welcoming means
welcoming people we, personally, might not want to welcome.
People who irritate us, or rub counter
to our own views of what church should be.
This isn’t a judgment, mind you.
I am preaching to myself here.
There have been moments in my time here
at St. Stephen’s when I have had to deal with people whom we’ve welcomed here
who have taken advantage of our hospitality.
People who have used us for their own
needs and then discarded us.
And that’s one of the pitfalls of being
radically welcoming.
Being radically welcoming does not mean
being a radical doormat.
It’s also good to have good boundaries
in being radically welcoming.
But, through trial and error, through
good experiences and bad, radical hospitality is what we do—and do well—here at
St. Stephen’s.
And we should be glad that we are that
kind of congregation.
That is what that window represents.
But we’ll talk about all of that in a
In today’s Gospel, we find hospitality
and spiritual clarity as well.
We find this beautiful story of Cleopas
and the other unnamed disciple encountering Jesus on the road to Emmaus.
Cleopas and the other disciple are,
essentially, already in a strange time in their life in following Jesus.
The long week of Jesus’ betrayal, torture
and murder are behind them.
The resurrection has happened, although, it’s
clear from their words, they don’t quite comprehend what’s happened.
Of course, who could?
We still, two thousand years later, are
grappling with the events of Jesus’ resurrection.
But as these two walk from Jerusalem to
Emmaus, they are kept from recognizing their friend, the person they saw as the
Messiah, until finally he breaks the bread with them.
Only then—only when he breaks that
bread open to share with them—do they recognize him.
It is an amazing moment of spiritual
It’s a wonderful story and one that has
many, many layers of meaning for each of us individually, no doubt.
But for us Episcopalians, for us who
gather together every Sunday and every Wednesday to break bread together, this
story takes on special meaning.
In a sense. we are the disciples in
this reading.
We are Cleopas and the unnamed
disciple, walking on the road—walking, as they are, in that place on the other
side of the cross.
They are walking away from Jerusalem,
where all these events happened—the betrayal, the torture, the murder and the resurrection of Jesus from
the tomb—back to Emmaus, to their homes.
Like them, we go around in our lives on
the other side of the cross, trying to understand what it means to be followers
of Jesus on this side of the cross.
What this story teaches us is that,
even when we don’t recognize Jesus in our midst, we should always be cautious.
He might not make himself known to us
as he did to Cleopas and the other disciple.
Rather, he might remain cloaked in that
stranger who comes to us.
And as a result, it’s just so much
better to realize that everyone we encounter, everyone we greet, everyone we
welcome, everyone we make room for, truly is Jesus disguised.
Which brings us back to our St Benedict window.
As many of you know, there are some
Benedictine Oblates at St Stephen’s—James, and your truly—and there are many
others of us who are truly Benedictine in spirit.
I had the good fortune of celebrating
my 30th anniversary last year of being an Oblate.
Benedictine Oblates and other Benedictine-minded
people strive in our lives to follow the Rule of St. Benedict, an ancient,
though very amazing document.
In that Rule, there is one particular
amazing reference:
In the 53rd Chapter of the
Rule, St. Benedict writes:
All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ,
for he himself will say, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
That is very, very powerful.
But what does that mean?
Well, it means that we welcome everyone
who comes through our door as someone divine anointed by God, as someone
special to God, as one of God’s unique children.
It means welcoming everyone who comes
through our door as another Christ, present in in our midst, someone who, like
Christ, is sent to us from God, whom God has sent to us to speak to us, to be a
presence of God’s love to us.
Even when it doesn’t seem like that.
Imagine for a moment what an incredible
world this would be if everyone could do this—if everyone could practice
radical hospitality like St. Benedict.
What an amazing Christian Church we
would have if we could do the same, if we could welcome every stranger—and
every regular parishioner as well—as Christ.
Imagine if we welcomed even our very
enemies as Christ, that somehow even that enemy was seen as someone special to
God and anointed by God.
I think many Christians forget this.
We are called to welcome all people as
Christ, because we do not know when we will encounter him, in whatever guise he
might choose to come to us.
Now, of course, that’s not easy.
In fact, sometimes it’s downright
Without God’s help, we can’t do it.
Without God’s help—without the Holy
Spirit—we first of all can’t even begin to recognize Christ in our midst.
And without God’s help, we can’t seek
and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves, as we
profess inour Baptismal Covenant.
And, let’s face, it’s just easier to
choose not to.
It’s much easier to grumble and mumble
and complain.
It’s much easier to backbite.
It’s easy not to see those people who
drive us crazy, who irritate us, who say things to us we don’t want to hear as
Christ, as beloved children of God.
It’s just so much easier for us to see
the devil in people, rather than seeing them as children of God.
But for us who gather together every
Sunday at this table—at this altar—we can’t use that excuse of being unable to
recognize Christ in our midst.
God in various ways IS in our midst.
God is constantly breaking through to
us in various ways.
When we break this bread at the altar,
we find whatever spiritual blindness we come here with is lifted at that time.
We see Christ truly present with us—in
the bread and the wine, and in one another.
And what does our Eucharist compel us
to do?
It compels us to embody Christ, to
become Christ, to those who need Christ in this world.
Radical hospitality DOES make a
Greeting people as though they are
beloved children of God has incredible results—not in only in our collective
life here at St. Stephen’s, but in the lives of each of those people coming
among us.
We are showing them that, despite the
occasionally somewhat ugly reputation the Church has at times—and sometimes
deservedly so—we, as God’s children in this world, can do much good as well.
We can truly love.
We can truly be accepting—of all
people, no matter who or what they are.
So, today, let us hear—truly hear—the
words in the scriptures we have just shared and in the scriptures we will read
this week.
Let us allow God to speak to us with
words that are familiar, with a voice that is familiar.
Let us allow God’s Spirit to take away
whatever spiritual blindness we might have so that we can truly and completely
see those people who share our life with us as beloved children of God.
Let us allow that Spirit to take away
that spiritual blindness that causes so much harm in the world so that we can
fully experience God and show love and respect to everyone we come in contact
And recognizing each other as God’s
loved children, may we also go out into the world, to proclaim that message of
God’s love to all.
We are living, in this moment, on the
other side of the cross.
We are living here, with God in our
very midst.
It is truly a glorious place to be.
Let us pray.
Loving God, open our eyes, as you
opened the eyes of Cleopas and the other disciple; open our eyes to see this
world as you intend this world to be, a place of love, as place in which we
honor each other as your loved children. And when we do, let us see your Christ
present in our midst, and in ourselves; in whose name we pray. Amen.